A journey to the heart of thanks giving

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.” Oprah Winfrey

One day as we were having a family lunch, we said the grace. Then I asked my family,” what is the moral of thanksgiving Day?” and my little boy jumped up saying, “To eat lots of Turkey!!”

We all burst into laughter.

Isn’t it funny how we have lost the meaning of special events, holidays and stages in our lives, and instead developed our own selfish meaning to it? This is also true about our daily lives. We have lost track of vital things to us; such as our health, love, gratitude, relationships among others. We have become “dead” to what makes us human and focused on the external riches. Although we need financial freedom and physical wealth to journey comfortably in this planet, we also need the inner, irreplaceable riches to make it through every day. These inner riches are coveted by every human being; good health, peace, joy, good relationship with self and others.

External riches help us to live, not to survive every day, but internal riches help us to live more abundantly, to enjoy every single moment in our lives; to have an all rounded life so to say.

Thanksgiving is one very important ingredient in attracting the finer things in life, both internal and external. This simple act of saying “thank you” has a very huge impact and is directly related to emotional and physical benefits including inner peace, joy, less stress and a relaxed mind, emotional freedom and good health. It also moderates the urge that is innate in us, the apparent uncontrollable race against time.

In our daily lives, thanksgiving is a sign of appreciating what you have, what you deserve and what you are expecting. Gratitude puts a seal of appreciation and opens doors for unlimited miracles and possibilities. It fuels or propels you to the net level of abundance.

Faith makes things happen; added with gratitude they happen faster!!

In the Holy Bible, Jesus gave thanks before performing a number of miracles even at the last supper!! that was no coincidence.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings” William Arthur Ward

So, why give thanks?

  • It is a sign of a happy heart, a nourished soul. It gives the heart an unexplained joy and peace,
  • It is a superior way of acknowledging all that happens in our lives, as opposed to lamenting and complaining or demanding,
  • It helps get rid of negative energy associated with discontentment, grudge, greed, envy, revenge etc.
  • It helps one to have an expectant attitude without being impatient,
  • It a seed for miracles and supernatural providence.
  • It restores the souls balance for inner strength in times of turmoil,
  • It strengthens a weak spirit and gives it more focus on what can be done rather than what was not done,
  • It helps heal the past pains and create a more harmonious present and future,
  • It is one of the most gratifying actions to both the giver and the receiver.
    A thankful heart is peaceful one, and it manifests itself outwardly as well in form of a calm personality, a joyful spirit, healthy body and mind ( as the monks portray).

The most beautiful thing about thanksgiving is that, most of the benefits accrue to the giver or self. The soul that gives thanks benefits astronomically.

So, why not take a moment and give thanks for at least five things, events or people in your life, including YOU. We all have a lot to be thankful for each day. Even when you do not feel like it, just say it.

“Thank you!”

I know it feels great!! Repeat, rewind, reload!!!

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