Let us journey together joyfully

How to stay optimistic

By Guru Hellen 8 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Life lessons, Peace, Conflict, Goal of life, Life challenges, Optimism, Challenges, Goals, Motivational.

Life is an amazing journey. It is full of turns and twists, high peeks and deep dark crevices. sometimes we find ourselves in dark caves that look like a cold, dark dead end. It is still part of the journey; and that is what makes it interesting, challenging and fun. Just like the two sides of a coin, the head and the tail are it’s integral parts. All living things in this planet face challenges; be it plants, animals or human beings.

Confidence – How to identify and silence fear

By Guru Hellen 8 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Life lessons, Childhood dreams, Growing up, Faith, Fear, Love, Peace, Conflict, Goal of life, Middleground, Motivation, Optimism, Relationship, Challenges, Doubts, Goals.

Whether we believe it or not, we are spiritual beings undergoing a physical journey on planet earth. Each one of us has a”raison d’etre”, “Ikigai” or simply said, “A reason for being”. The journey through life is influenced by the spiritual dimension as much as physical dimension. Unfortunately, we often ignore the spiritual side of our being, and hence the effect thereof. Everyday, We are either feeding the positive side or negative side of our spiritual being.

Conflict resolution in relationships

By Guru Hellen 8 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Lifes challenges, Lifes journey, Love, Peace, Conflict, Goal of life, Middleground, Motivation, Optimism, Relationship.

There is an old adage stating that when cups are put in a box, they must clink against each other. Whenever two human beings live or work together, they will inevitably have differences in their points of view, preferences, attitudes, understanding and so on; irrespective of their relationship with each other.

Life’s Goals : Your childhood dreams

By Guru Hellen 8 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Goal setting, Childhood dreams, Growing up, Goal of life, Life's goals, Motivational, Life path.

One of the most amazing things in life is watching a child grow up; right from birth when they announce their arrival with a cry. They quickly learn to seek out what they need, cry for it, without caring where they are or who is around them.

How to raise a child in the 21st century

By Guru Hellen 8 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Teenagers, Life lessons, How to raise boys, How to raise children, Raising your child, 21st century parenting, Motivation, Children.

In the 21st century, parenting feels like a congested lifestyle; so much to do, so little time!! and most times we don’t even know what to do. It reminds me of a weaver bird filled tree house!! noisy, extremely busy, congested and mostly individualistic.

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