Posts tagged Parenting

Patience: The relationships lubricant

By Guru Hellen 3 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Life teaching and journey, Caregiving.

Patience is a virtue. I have been told that saying a million times and each time it feels like the first time I hear it. Why? Simply because this is a virtue that I have been working on all my life. I am not the most patient of homo sapiens, yet I keep repeating this lesson over and over again. Sometimes I feel like life still feels I have not yet mastered it.

Why is it so easy to quit on your marriage?

By Guru Hellen 4 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Marital coaching, divorce.

Before you sign those papers, Think. Think about what you're doing before you decide to go to divorce. Think Think about your future, your children's future, what it actually means. I'll tell you what it means. People will tell you it's best to walk out when it doesn't work. Our last one question Did you even try to make it Work? Did you go for counseling? Did you go for coaching? Did you go for therapy?

How to get productive during Covid-19 Lockdown

By Guru Hellen 4 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Lifes challenges, Problem solving in marriage, Conflict resolution in marriage, Marriage coaching.

Here we are at unprecedented times, with the economy and everything we believed to be certain, being tested to the limits. We are at a stage in life that we did not foresee only two months ago. we are on lockdown - indoors. we are stuck with our spouses and children or parents for an unspecified time. we still have to live and thrive as we wait out the spread of this deadly virus. Some husbands are re-learning how to live with their wives and children while the wives are learning to be patient with themselves and with each member of the family. We are in another classroom in the home. The question is what to do all the time and so limited spaces, over and over again. We either get smart or get over each other's heads. Here are a few suggestions to avoid the latter scenario.

6 Reasons Resentment Creeps Into Your Relationships and What to Do About It

By Cleveland Clinic -Brain and spine 6 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Relationship coaching, Marital coaching, Marriage counseling in Edmonton, Lifes challenges.

Defend your own needs, but also practice empathy Couple upset with each other Have you ever felt taken advantage of, or dismissed, by a partner, family member, teacher or boss? That’s resentment rearing its ugly head.

Hassle-free back to school season for parents and children

By Guru Hellen 6 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Relationship coaching in Edmonton, Planning, Being a parent, Blame, Mentor, Caretaker, Back-to-school, Hustle, Budgeting, Relationship counselling in Edmonton, Children.

Parents look edgy and stressed in all malls and bookstores I have been visiting. Complains and glaring stares are exchanged between the children and parents. I can’t help but smile and sympathize at the same time. But I believe it should not be that way. Here is my take on this hullaballoo

Quit complaining and start being a parent

By Guru Hellen 6 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Wisdom, How to raise children, Being a parent, Mentor, Caretaker, Children, Communication.

The Oxford and Webster dictionaries define ‘Parent’ as the Father or Mother. They further explain the parent by the roles they take: caretaker, protector of children, lover of children, rear, provider, mentor, guide etc.

7 essential skills every parent should equip his/her child with

By Guru Hellen 7 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, How to raise children, 21st century parenting, Children, Financial coaching.

There is a global saying in every community about how to bring up a child. It is a common belief that the child is a blank canvas and whatever the parent puts in, the child will eventually put out when he/she grows up.

5 self-sabotaging phrases even smart people use

By Guru Hellen 7 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Emotions, Wisdom, 21st century, How to raise children, Love, Peace, Optimism.

I am certain you have heard the adage “Never underestimate the power of I AM!” Ironically we never take it to heart when uttering what follows these two words. I have heard many times over and over, people slitting their future into pieces using this phrase. Other times I hear some folks curse their offspring using the same phrase, curse themselves and cast spells that are so hard to undo.

7 essential practices to strengthen family ties

By Guru Hellen 7 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Marital coaching, Relationship coaching in Edmonton, Planning, Being a parent, Blame, Mentor, Caretaker, Back-to-school, Hustle, Budgeting, Children, Guidance and counselling.

The best part of growing up is the memories you make/made with your parents. The bedside stories, camping while roasting marshmallows, bonfire hotdogs, wrestling in the house, hunting, playing basketball or chess, long adventure travels, memorable dinners. Contrary to what most people believe the gifts given to children take a back shelf in their memories as they grow older. I can only remember a toy or two that I really loved, but the memories… will stay with me forever.

Seven main reasons why your teen won’t listen to you

By Guru Hellen 7 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Teenagers, 21st century parenting, Love, Conflict, Being a parent, Children.

Many a time, parents express fatigue, disillusionment, sadness, depression and utter despair, when talking about their teen children. They repeatedly complain to each other how one teen is worse than the other and that there is no way of solving their never-ending problems. Instead of helping each other out, these parents embark on an endless journey of complaints and lamentations. Although these parents’ feelings may be justified, I believe that parenting at whatever stage of a child’s life is as challenging as it is fun.

What type of a parent are you?

By Guru Hellen 7 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, How to raise children, 21st century parenting, Caretaker, Children.

This is the process of taking care and bringing up children entrusted to you till they are old enough to be independent. While some of us think that a parent is your father and/or mother, in modern societies we have adopted parents, guardians, caretakers, babysitters, nannies and even trustees who take up the role of parenting.

How to raise a child in the 21st century

By Guru Hellen 9 years ago. Tagged under Parenting, Teenagers, Life lessons, How to raise boys, How to raise children, Raising your child, 21st century parenting, Motivation, Children.

In the 21st century, parenting feels like a congested lifestyle; so much to do, so little time!! and most times we don’t even know what to do. It reminds me of a weaver bird filled tree house!! noisy, extremely busy, congested and mostly individualistic.