Posts tagged Conflict resolution

Patience: The relationships lubricant

By Guru Hellen 2 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Life teaching and journey, Caregiving.

Patience is a virtue. I have been told that saying a million times and each time it feels like the first time I hear it. Why? Simply because this is a virtue that I have been working on all my life. I am not the most patient of homo sapiens, yet I keep repeating this lesson over and over again. Sometimes I feel like life still feels I have not yet mastered it.

Why is it so easy to quit on your marriage?

By Guru Hellen 3 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Marital coaching, divorce.

Before you sign those papers, Think. Think about what you're doing before you decide to go to divorce. Think Think about your future, your children's future, what it actually means. I'll tell you what it means. People will tell you it's best to walk out when it doesn't work. Our last one question Did you even try to make it Work? Did you go for counseling? Did you go for coaching? Did you go for therapy?

Gratitude Heals Sore Relationships

By Guru Hellen 3 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Marital coaching, Marriage counseling in Edmonton, Relationship coaching in Edmonton.

Did I feel like journaling? Absolutely no. My head was telling me it was futile and that I was well into failure, and that my gospel of thriving relationships was a hoax. Against this loud negative voice that had grown so strong, I took my pen and book and wrote my way out of negativity.

Should You keep your opposite sex friends after getting married?

By Guru Hellen 4 years ago. Tagged under Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Relationship coaching, Lifes challenges, Wisdom, Relationship coaching in Edmonton.

Can you still be friends with the opposite sex after marriage? If God wanted us not to keep in touch with the opposite sex after marriage, He would have created a separate world for married couples. But since that is not the case we must learn to live together irrespective of our marital status.

Shame: Get that mask off!

By Guru Hellen 4 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Relationships, Conflict resolution, Relationship coaching, Lifes challenges, Relationship coaching in Edmonton, Peace.

How many times has society forced you to wear masks that please to them, but make you forget who you really are? What masks are you wearing right now? It is time to peel off those masks.

When you marry a highly competitive spouse…

By Guru Hellen 4 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Relationships, Conflict resolution, Relationship coaching, Marital coaching, Marriage counseling in Edmonton, Lifes challenges, Premarital coaching, Marriage counselling, Problem solving in marriage, Peace.

Marriage is one of the most interesting relationships known to man. Two different souls with different desires and ambitions meet and choose to espouse each other.. Having a competitive spouse can be a big blessing because the spouse can be the engine behind the family’s business or career prosperity. There are other times in the relationship when the dreams become incongruent.

The Reset Button

By Guru Hellen 4 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Marriage counseling in Edmonton, Lifes challenges, Marriage counselling, Lifes journey.

During my downtime, I enjoy watching cartoons, especially the classic ones. I am an avid fan of the loony toons, Tom and Jerry, the Flintstones, the Jetsons, Animaniacs and the ever so hilarious Scooby-Doo.

6 Reasons Resentment Creeps Into Your Relationships and What to Do About It

By Cleveland Clinic -Brain and spine 5 years ago. Tagged under Life purpose, Parenting, Relationships, Behavioral health, Conflict resolution, Relationship coaching, Marital coaching, Marriage counseling in Edmonton, Lifes challenges.

Defend your own needs, but also practice empathy Couple upset with each other Have you ever felt taken advantage of, or dismissed, by a partner, family member, teacher or boss? That’s resentment rearing its ugly head.

The Magic Relationship Ratio, According to Science

By The Gottman Institute 5 years ago. Tagged under Relationships, Conflict resolution, Marital coaching, Emotions, Psychology, Wisdom, Relationship coaching in Edmonton.

Couples who flourish engage in conflict differently than those who eventually break up.

Reasons why arranged marriages have lower divorce rates

By Guru Hellen 5 years ago. Tagged under Conflict resolution, Marriage coaching, Love, Peace, Marriage, Marriage flames, Staying married, Conflict.

People often ask why arranged marriages seem to work better than western style marriages. This is a very contentious question and I would like to shed some light on this apparent differing opinions.

6 Indicators of a troubled marriage

By Guru Hellen 6 years ago. Tagged under Relationships, Conflict resolution, Spouse issues, Spouse needs, Relationship, Financial coaching.

Many a couple go through rough times in their relationships. The beauty of it all is that no relationship is excluded from conflict and that they are all possible to solve. It is possible to heal and come out stronger after conflicts. The following are the early signs of a troubled marriage:

Three simple ways to resolve conflicts in marriage.

By Guru Hellen 6 years ago. Tagged under Relationships, Conflict resolution, Marital coaching, Emotions, Marital conflict, Marital coaching in Edmonton, Courting and dating, Conflict, Motivation.

Wondering how to resolve conflicts in your relationships? Do you and your spouse want to end the long ‘silent treatment/cold shoulder moments